И. скончался в бедности, похоронен на кладбище Юкль в Брюсселе. Церковные композиции, написанные И. за пределами родины, опубликованы прот. Николаем Веглайсом в сер. «Нотная библиотека православного христианина» (Беркли, Калифорния). Ряд церковных сочинений и гармонизаций И. впервые был записан и издан в серии «Песнопения русского зарубежья» (Сан-Франциско: «Русский пастырь», 2004-2007. Диски 1, 2, 5, 6). Муз. соч.: Арх.: Собр. Н. П. Спасского (Париж): «Милость мира» большого знаменного распева (Кишинев, 1922); Ирмос (задостойник) «Любите убо нам» (копии в арх. изд-ва «Русский пастырь» (Сан-Франциско)). Изд.: Песнопения из литургии св. Иоанна Златоуста для смешанного хора: Op. 6, 1: «Слава:» и «Единородный Сыне»; Op. 6, 2: «Во Царствии Твоем»; Op. 6, 3: «Приидите, поклонимся» и «Господи, спаси благочестивыя»; Op. 6, 4: «Святый Боже»; Op. 6, 5: Херувимская; Op. 6, 6: Просительная ектения, «Отца и Сына» и «Милость мира»; Op. 6, 7: «Тебе поем» 1 и «Тебе поем» 2 (альты и тенора); Op. 6, 8: «Достойно есть»; Op. 6, 9: «Отче наш»; Op. 6, 10: «Видехом свет истинный» и «Благочестивейшаго». М.: П. Юргенсон, 1912; Светилен на Благовещение, «Достойно есть» царя Феодора Иоанновича//Нотная б-ка правосл. христианина/Изд.: прот. Н. Вейглас. Беркли, 1962; «Иже херувимы» греч. распева//Там же. 1972; «В Чермнем мори» догматик 5-го гласа знаменного распева//Там же. 1974; Стихира на хвалитех 7-го гласа//Там же. 1976; «Свете тихий»//Там же [Светилен на Благовещение]//Благовещение Пресв. Богородицы: [Ноты для смеш. хора]/[Сост.: О. А. Бычков]. М., 2008. Соч.: S. V. Rachmaninoff//Les Beaux-Arts: J. d " information artistique/Red.: Ch. Bernard. 1933. N 83. P. 13. Лит.: In & Out of Russia//Time. 1932. March, 21//http://www.time.com/time [Электр. ресурс]; Н. Б. Творчество А. С. Ильяшенко//Рус. мысль. П., 1950. 237. С. 5; Ч[ебышев] А[лексей]. А. С. Ильяшенко//Часовой. Брюссель, 1955. 350. С. 18; Незабытые могилы: Рос. зарубежье: Некрологи 1917-1999: В 6 т.: Сост.: В. Н. Чуваков. М., 2001. Т. 3. С. 79; Перекрестов П., прот., Зверева С. Г. [Аннот. к диску 2]//Песнопения рус. зарубежья. Сан-Франциско, 2004. С. 2-3 (переизд.: М.: Изд. совет РПЦ, 2008).


The funding goal is Contributions can be made on the project’s IndieGoGo campaign page until midnight on Sunday January 15, 2017 Pacific Standard Time; there are multiple levels of donations with many unique rewards. Supporters can also join our Facebook group . ABOUT FERN LEAF MEDIA Founded in 2010, Fern Leaf Media has produced short documentary films aligned with social activist causes such as world peace, orphans, human trafficking and pro-life issues. Founder Mark Terry is a California native who holds a professional certificate in video production and editing from The University of California San Diego Extension Program. More information on Fern Leaf Media is available at here . Fern Leaf Media is not associated with any of these events or the Catholic archdiocese of any city in California. www.fernleafmedia.com              info@fernleafmedia.com              858-243-2176 12 января 2017 г. Оценка: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Подпишитесь на рассылку Православие.Ru Рассылка выходит два раза в неделю: Предыдущий Следующий Смотри также Thousands March for Life in Chicago Thousands March for Life in Chicago Orthodox Christian faithful representing several jurisdictions helped make this the most successful pro-life event in the Midwest. Strong Orthodox presence at DC March for Life—despite the weather! Strong Orthodox presence at DC March for Life—despite the weather! Despite the brutal weather and the threat of the worst snowfall in the US capital in some 90 years, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, clergy and seminarians, and faithful from across the country took part in the annual March for Life here on Friday, January 22, 2016. January 22 March for Life and Sanctify of Life Retreat January 22 March for Life and Sanctify of Life Retreat Friday, January 22, 2016 marks the 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States, on which Orthodox Christians from across the country will gather in the US Capital for the annual March for Life or participate in similar regional gatherings. Комментарии Новые материалы Выбор читателей © 1999-2016 Православие.Ru


Carol Morello, “Living in Fear on the Border: Little Desert Town Is New Immigration Battleground”, USA Today, July 21, 1999, p. 1A. Nancy San Martin, “Unwelcomed Visitors: Arizonans Angry over Flood of Immigrants They Accuse of Damaging Their Property”, Dallas Morning News, April 25,1999,p. 53A. Jonathan Aitken, Nixon: A Life (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1993), pp. 247–48. George Will, “Blaming the Voters”, Washington Post, September 24, 2000, p. 7. Jim Yardley, “Non-Hispanic Whites May Soon Be a Minority in Texas”, New York Times, March 25, 2001, p. 22. Ibid. Todd J. Gillman, “Latinos in U.S. Grow Diverse”, Dallas Morning News, May 10,2001, p. 7. Peter Brimelow, “Time to Rethink Immigration?” National Review, June 22, 1992. http://www.vdare.corn/timetorethink.htm. Stephen Glover, “Are the Tories the Stupid Party Again?” Daily Mail, December 5, 2000, p. 13. Laura Parker, “U.S. Hispanics’ Youth Assures More Growth”, USA Today, May 10, 2001, p. 3. Walter V. Robinson, “Immigrant Voter Surge Seen Aiding Gore”, Boston Globe, November 4,2000, p. 1. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ron Unz, “California and the End of White America”, Commentary, November 1, 1999, p. 17. George Borjas and Lynette Hilton, immigration and the Welfare State, Working Paper Series #5372”, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 1995. http://www.faims.org/html/04105611.htm Dr. Donald Huddle, “The Net Costs of Immigration: The Facts, the Trends, and the Critics”, Rice University, October 22, 1996. http://www.fairus.org/html/04105611.him Maria L. LaGanga, “California Grows to 33.9 Million, Reflecting Increased Diversity”, Los Angeles Times, March 30, 2001, p. 1. Robin Fields, “White Exodus Attributed to Economic Slump”, Los Angeles Times, March 31, 2001, p. 22. “California Census Confirms Whites Are in Minority”, New York Times, March 30, 2001, p. 1. Ibid. Ken Ward, “The Double-Talk About Diversity”. Las Vegas Review-Journal, October 11, 2000, p. 9. Georgie Anne Geyer, “Creative Politics on Alien Conflict”. Washington Times, August 22, 1999, p. 4.


4 . Allow all in Kosovo to live in peace, safety and freedom. 5 . Ensure safe and unimpeded travel in all areas of Kosovo. 6 . Permit all in Kosovo to live, worship and work in the knowledge that their basic human and religious rights will not be violated. 7 . Preserve and protect houses of worship as well as religious and cultural monuments of all faiths. 8 . Permit all ethnic and religious communions to retain their cultural and linguistic heritage and to allow those communities freely to provide education that will perpetuate that heritage. 9 . Establish a viable system in Kosovo, one that reflects the wishes of those who live there without violating the rights of any minority. 10 . We demand that all assistance from international humanitarian organizations to those in need in Kosovo be transmitted without hindrance and delay. We, the undersigned, believe that it is our duty to God and to our faithful to state categorically that all must accept the way of nonviolence and cooperation. Only then will there be an end to the killing and to the destruction of our homes and places of worship. We, therefore, demand of those who have resorted to misguided violent means to achieve their goals, to lay aside their arms, to withdraw their engines of terrible destruction, and to seize the initiative we offer from our hearts – cooperation and peace – to bring about a better and more fruitful life for all in Kosovo today, and for all those who will follow. Signed in Vienna, Austria, March 18, 1999 Rabbi Arthur Schneier, President, Appeal of Conscience Foundation His Eminence Reverend Marko Sopi, Catholic Bishop of Kosovo His Eminence Kyr Artemije, Bishop of Raska and Prizren, Kosovo, member of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church Professor Qemail Morina, Vice Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Pristina, Kosovo His Excellency Victor Klima, Federal Chancellor of Austria, Witness PEACE APPEAL OF THE BISHOPS OF THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, 1999 Human experience, both old and new and most recently in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, shows that war and violence, particularly inter-ethnic, leaves in its wake only chaos and general misery, with long-lasting spiritual, moral and social consequences and unhealed wounds.


Т. 2. 5. С. 33-58; 6. С. 197-230 (переизд.: ЦИВ. 1999. 2/3. С. 205-218); За тридцать лет: (1884-1914 гг.)//У Троицы в Академии: Юбил. сб. ист. мат-лов. М., 1914. С. 737-755 (отд. отт.: М., 1914); Высокопреосв. Смарагд (Крыжановский), архиеп. Рязанский († 1863, XII, 11): Его жизнь и деятельность. СПб., 1914; Православие по его существу//ХЧ. 1914. 1. С. 3-33; То же//Православие: Pro et contra. СПб., 2001. С. 182-198; Христос и ангелы: Экзегетич. анализ Евр 1. 6-14//ХЧ. 1915. 1. С. 3-21; 2. С. 153-174 (сокр. пер. на болг.: Христос и ангелите: (Екзегетич. анализъ на Евр 1. 6-14)//ГСУ, БФ. 1927. Т. 4. С. 185-218); Ходатай Нового Завета: Экзегетич. анализ Евр 1. 1-5//В память 100-летия (1814-1914) МДА: Сб. ст. Серг. П., 1915. Ч. 1. С. 483-527 (сокр. пер. на болг.: Новозаветният Ходатай//ГСУ, БФ. 1926. Т. 3. С. 73-112); О 2-м Послании св. ап. Павла к Фессалоникийцам//ХЧ. 1915. 4. С. 467-487; 5. С. 597-634; 6. С. 767-786; 7/8. С. 1019-1042; 9. С. 1063-1078; Дидаскалия и Апостольские постановления по их происхождению, взаимоотношению и значению//Там же. 1916. 3. С. 339-360; 4. С. 434-456; 5/6. С. 516-532; Православное рус. белое духовенство по его положению и значению в истории//ХЧ. 1917. 1/2. С. 3-16; Искупление и Искупитель по Евр 2//Там же. 7/12. С. 247-342. Пг., 1917 (сокр. пер. на болг.: Изкупление и Изкупител (Евр 2. 5-18)//ГСУ, БФ. 1929. Т. 6. С. 1-43); Начало организованной духовной школы//БВ. 1917. 6/7. С. 75-92; Советская власть и голод России//Двуглавый орел. Б., 1921. 18. С. 41-46; Чем же все это кончится?//Там же. 19. С. 10-20; Кому теперь живется весело, счастливо на Руси//Там же. 21. С. 41-48; Уголовное государство//Там же. 1922. 26. С. 6-20; Easmern Orthodoxy and Anglicanism//The Christian East. 1922. Vol. 3. N 1. March. P. 20-28; The Patriarch and Clergy of Russia under the Bolsheviks//Ibid. N 2. Juli. P. 83-93; The Bolshevist «Revival» of the Russian Church//Ibid. N 3. Oct. P. 118-124; The Russian Church under the Bolsheviks//Theology. 1922. Vol. 5. N 28. Oct.


Press Release: The Romanian March for Life 2017 – “Help the Mother and Child! They Depend on You”      In many cities across Romania and the Republic of Moldova, March 2017 will be The Pro-Life Month 2017— “ Help the Mother and the Child! They Depend on You.” Its highlight will be The March for Life 2017 —“ Help the Mother and Child! They Depend on You,” organized on Saturday, March 25, 2017. The March for Life is at its 7th national edition. This year’s theme, “Help the Mother and the Child! They Depend on You,” creates the opportunity to debate on the need, possibility and efficiency of supporting women in pregnancy crisis. This series of thematic events does not have a unique organizer, but in each town and city it has different independent local organizers from local pro-life organizations and institutions. Here are a few aspects motivating the theme chosen for this year: Romania is second in the world (after Russia) in terms of the total number of abortions ever made compared to its actual population : 22,742,952 legally made surgical abortions have been made—only in Romanian state hospitals—between year 1958 and June 2016, compared to a population of 19,760,000 inhabitants as registered on January 1, 2016. Since traditional Romanian civilization and spirituality have never valued abortion, the huge number of abortions can be explained by lack of knowledge regarding the issue of pregnancy crisis and by a pro-abortion public mindset—both originating in the communist regime and ideology. Pregnancy crisis A pregnancy crisis appears when a woman considers interrupting the natural course of her pregnancy, which would normally lead to giving birth to her baby, and thinks of abortion instead. Pregnancy crisis is triggered by outside issues she cannot cope with. The most frequent causes of a pregnancy crisis are: Pregnancy crisis is deepened by third-party pressure on the woman to have an abortion: 64% of the women who had an abortion felt pressured to do so, according to a study published in a prestigious medical journal. 1


------. Archpastoral Directive, August 7, 2008. Sterzing, H. Keith Mephodie. «Orthodox Bishop Claims to Apply the Canons – Orthodox Question Application.» Unpublished article, January 28, 1993. Zell, Ronald L. Ronald L. Zell to Dr. Howard, February 7, 1984. ------. Ronald L. Zell to Bishop Maximos of Pittsburgh, February 18, 1984. Additional Unpublished Collection Cited National Association of Evangelicals Papers (SC-113). Wheaton College Special Collections. Wheaton, IL. Published Primary Sources and Secondary Sources Allen, Joseph. Widowed Priest: A Crisis in Ministry. Minneapolis: Light and Life, 1994. Anonymous editor. «New church body formed.» Chicago Tribune, March 11, 1979. Bouma, Gary D. «The Real Reason One Conservative Church Grew,» Review of Religious Research 50 (2008), 43–44. Braun, Jon E. «Share the Vision.» AGAIN 14 (1991), 28–29. Counts, Bill. The Evangelical Orthodox Church and the New Covenant Apostolic Order. Berkeley: The Spiritual Counterfeits Project, 1979. Fornoff, Robin. " Ex-members call Glen Park church a cult.» Post-Tribune, March 30, 1980. ------. «Healing by faith called extremist.» March 30, 1980. ------. «Prophet» now calls church a cult.» Post-Tribune, March 31, 1980. ------. «Members confirm some church extremes.» April 2,1980. Francis, Matthew. «The Orthodox Study Bible and Orthodox Identity in North America,» Canadian Journal of Orthodox Christianity 2:2 (2007), 37–55. Available at: http://www.cjoc.ca/pdf/Vol%202%20Sl%20Francis.PDF (accessed February 5, 2013). Gillquist, Peter. «Presiding Bishop’s Corner.» AGAIN 2:1 (January-March 1979), 2. ------. «Believing What is Right.» AGAIN 2:1 (January-March 1979), 1,7. ------. «Presiding Bishop’s Corner.» AGAIN 2:4 (October-December 1979), 2. ------. «Presiding Bishop’s Corner.» AGAIN 3:3 (July-September 1980), 2. ------. «Presiding Bishop’s Corner.» AGAIN (n.d., October-December 1980), 2. ------. «Editorial: Christless Church or Churchless Christ?» AGAIN 5:3 (1982), 2. ------. «Editorial.» Again 8:3 (1985), 2.


Others participating in the march were seminarians, faculty and their families from  Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary  and  Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary  lead by their deans Archpriest John Parker and Archpriest Chad Hatfield respectively; and Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, together with clergy and faithful from the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, the Diocese of the Midwest, the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, the Diocese of Western Pennsylvania and the Diocese of the South. On the eve of the March, Metropolitan Tikhon and his delegation attended the Prayer Vigil at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, where they were welcomed by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Archbishop Joseph extended a warm welcome to those representing the Orthodox Church. Also in attendance were  His Grace Bishop Apostolos  of Medeia, representing the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and representing the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch,  Archbishop Dionysius John Kawak . Read His Beatitude’s address to the faithful following the Divine Liturgy  before the March for Life. A  video  is also available. A photo gallery is available on the OCA  website  and  Facebook page . Address of His Beatitude Metropolian Tikhon to the Faithful at the March for Life Your Eminences, Your Graces, Reverend Fathers, Esteemed Seminarians, Distinguished Guests, and fellow marchers, I greet you all today as we gather here in our nation’s capital for the March for Life. We gather today in prayer and somber remembrance for the innocent children whose lives have been taken while still in the womb. We weep for these children, as once did Rachel who wept for her children. We ask God to grant them a place in His Heavenly Kingdom, as our Lord Jesus Christ says to us, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 19:14).”


A country project: valuing the gift of life and supporting women in pregnancy crisis Given these facts, we consider that a vital country project for Romanians on both banks of the Prut River is raising awareness and accountability regarding the gift of life, towards those who can be their future. And awareness and accountability can only be shown by supporting women in pregnancy crisis and their unborn babies. Firstly, everybody can help a woman in pregnancy crisis! The experience of those involved has shown that support from the unborn child’s father, from a friend, from a psychologist or a member of the clergy can make the difference between abortion and giving birth to the baby. Secondly, society can create instruments to support women in pregnancy crisis, such as: Without adequate information and without a national network of help centers for women in pregnancy crisis, the abortion trauma will continue to harm children, mothers, families and the whole society. The Pro-Life Month and the March for Life are apolitical and non-confessional events, but they welcome the participation of all religious confessions and political parties. The March for Life does not promote legislation to forbid abortion and condemns all forms of violence against women, wishing to promote social awareness and support for the woman to give birth to the life she is carrying. The above-mentioned possibilities are not necessarily meant to involve only state institutions, but mainly society as a whole, in its diverse forms of civil actions, such as non-governmental organizations. We cannot expect the state to do what we do not do individually and through the associative possibilities existing today! This means real solidarity, love and civilization. The dynamics of the March for Life in the last three years has been as following: Starting from March 1 2017, the www.marsulpentruviata.ro website will publish details from local organizers. Alexandra Nadane, President Studeni pentru via (“Students for Life”)


This system presents in a masterful way the mystical coincidence of the three main dates of the world's history: the beginning of Creation, the Incarnation, and the Resurrection of Christ. All these events happened, according to the Alexandrian chronology, on the 25th of March; furthermore, the first two events were separated by the period of exactly 5500 years; the first and the third one occurred on Sunday—the sacred day of the beginning of the Creation and its renovation through Christ. St. Dionysius of Alexandria had earlier emphatically quoted mystical justifications for the choice of March 25 as the start of the year: March 25 was considered to be the anniversary of Creation itself. It was the first day of the year in the medieval Julian calendar and the nominal vernal equinox (it had been the actual equinox at the time when the Julian calendar was originally designed). Considering that Christ was conceived at that date turned March 25 into the Feast of the Annunciation which had to be followed, nine months later, by the celebration of the birth of Christ, Christmas, on December 25. The Alexandrian Era of March 25, 5493 BC was adopted by Church Fathers such as St. Maximus the Confessor and St. Theophanes the Confessor, as well as chroniclers such as George Syncellus. Its striking mysticism made it popular in Byzantium especially in monastic circles. However, this masterpiece of Christian symbolism had two serious weak points: historical inaccuracy surrounding the date of the Resurrection as determined by its Easter computes, and its contradiction to the chronology of the Gospel of St. John regarding the date of the Crucifixion on Friday after the Passover. Chronicon Paschale A new variant of the World Era was suggested in the Chronicon Paschale , a valuable Byzantine universal chronicle of the world, composed about the year 630 AD by some representative of the Antiochian scholarly tradition. It had for its basis a chronological list of events extending from the creation of Adam to the year A.D. 627. The chronology of the writer is based on the figures of the Bible and begins with March 21, 5507.


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